So, I guess I've reached that age (almost 21) when a few of my peers will inevitably decide to get married or have kids. I certainly can't complain about that, and I really hope that these people will be happy with their personal life decisions. I've talked with some people who discussed the fact that college simply wasn't for them, so they went ahead and found stable employment or started a business of their own; understandably, some of these same people started a family. Then there are those who are still in undergraduate or graduate school and married their high school sweetheart whom they'd dated for years. These seem to be exceptional circumstances, but I think they're perfectly legitimate.
I believe that the problems with getting "muhrried" and having children begin when circumstances between two individuals don't really warrant a marriage at all. People who date each other for 2-4 months and decide to tie the knot are some of my favorites; I'm going to go ahead and say that three months of dating before marriage is too quick. Is that enough time to live with a partner long enough to really know what they're like? Probably not. It it long enough that both people are going to have to deal with a substantial problem together and see if they can work it out? Nope. Is two months a long enough time to figure out if your partner has any really annoying tendencies or attitude issues that may potentially create conflict? No. Anyway, I'm not trying to say that one should have to date his or her partner for eight years before any very serious commitments are made. However, people who want to very quickly tie the knot should probably ask themselves if they could stand to be with this person they've know for four months for the rest of their life. The idea may be a little... sobering.
Yet another great category of marriages are those I'm-going-nowhere-so-I-better-find-someone-to-take-care-of-me unions. Ladies, I think we do this a little too frequently. Yes, the girls who come to college fresh out of high school and find out after a year that their 3.9 high school GPAs don't mean shit in terms of their academic performance in college are the ones who come to my mind. (I have personally seen this happen way too many times.) Before they piss away whatever remaining financial support from their parents they have left, they begin to loiter around the law school or medical school in hopes of finding a guy that has a lot of academic... I mean financial potential. I guess there's nothing inherently evil in this, but these girls just need to pray that their husbands don't ever divorce them; if so, then they'll be forced to actually work or remain totally dependent on alimony. That's a blast.
Babies are smelly and emo. Enough said.
Anyway, that's enough about marriage and babies.
So, I'm pretty sure that most of you reading this are UK students. If you're not, maybe you intentionally chose not to go to UK for the very thing I'm going to bitch about. Before I say anything negative, though, I should go ahead and say that I still absolutely love going to UK. I would far rather go here than any other institution in the state. I favor the bigger campus and larger student population at UK; I'm really not meant to be at a small school like Transylvania or Centre. (At this point, I just have to add that Transy occasionally sends little student shuttle buses over to William T. Young when classes are in session so that its students can mooch off our resources, which is funny as hell to me. I'm not the one paying an inordinate amount of money for tuition to NOT have immediate access to Willy T... Mwahahaha.)
Anyway, it's my belief that the University of Kentucky has a serious deficiency when it comes to scholarship funding for continuing students who didn't come there initially on a scholarship. I think UK probably allots so much of its scholarship money for awards like the Singletary Scholarhsip that it leaves the rest of us in the shitter. I applied for two scholarships through UK last spring--the Arts & Sciences Academic Scholarship and the Alumni Scholarship. I did actually get one of them, but the amount of money I received barely covered the costs of my textbooks, let alone helped me with my tuiton expenses. Because of this, I started applying for external scholarships; hopefully I'll have more luck with those. Blech.