I have actually spent part of the last week or so going back through many of my old posts and revising them a little bit. Typos bother me almost more than anything in the world; unfortunately, I found them to be pretty prevalent in my old writings. Yes, my corrections were probably a huge waste of time, considering I doubt very seriously that anyone would actually take much notice of a typo here and there. Regardless, if it's my writing, I want it to be free of errors. Maybe I'm just a weirdo. I'm much the same with papers I write for my college courses. If I find a typo in a paper, even if I've already turned it in, I'll go back and fix the error in the saved document on my computer. Okay, I'm definitely a weirdo.
Some things you may or may not care about:
- I have two other blogs, but only one of them is worth taking a look at: Journal/Journey Project 333, which I wrote to earn one credit hour (yeah) through the Honors Program back during the '06-'07 academic year. Coincidentally, this was also my horrible year in college, but I still managed to earn at least the one credit hour for writing that blog. Hooray. The Book Blog, the other one, was kind of an epic fail. I read many books the same summer I started writing the blog, but I only wrote about two of them. If you've ever read Animal Farm or The Reader (a horrible book, in my opinion), then you won't be missing out by not looking at the blog. Sadly, when I came back to class, I discovered that I didn't necessarily feel like blogging about books that I'd read for courses, particularly because I had to write papers on most of these books. To write a 10-page paper on a book and then immediately turn around and blog about it seems a little much for me.
- As far as post topics for this blog, there's only going to be one obvious restriction: no emo material. I do tend to go on random rants (those are everywhere in my earlier posts), and I'm sure I'll write plenty of those in the upcoming weeks. However, since the Journal/Journey Project blog won't be updated anymore, I'll probably use this blog to occasionally post something of some substance.
- I've enabled anonymous posts. I like for people who don't have Blogger accounts to still be able to give me feedback if they wish. However, the first time any jackass makes an immature comment, this will change.
- Along the same lines: if you don't like me, please don't read my blog; I promise you, you will only dislike me more after you read what I have to say.
- I'm taking the LSAT on June 8th, so my posts will probably be very limited until that time. Speaking of the LSAT, I should be studying. I certainly picked the worst month of the year to take this test.