Summer classes? I dont want to even attempt to give a definite answer for that yet.
In other, less nerdy news:
- I went to Friday's this afternoon to eat with my roommate. Since it was late in the afternoon/early evening (about 5 o'clock), the place was not very crowded at all. The only customers in a close vicinity to us were a young couple--maybe in their early 30's. As I was talking with my roommate, I took notice of how little the couple was communicating. I felt the need to lower my voice and use a little more discretion (hehe) when talking, because I was pretty sure they could hear everything I was saying. It was a pretty sad spectacle to watch, simply because the man and woman were engaging the waiter in more conversation than they were with each other. I'm almost positive they weren't angry with one another; they just had nothing to talk about, obviously. I thought that a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend was supposed to be someone with whom conversation came naturally. I'm finding out that I'm incorrect in that assumption.
- Bad drivers! Too bad there is an abundance of bad drivers in Lexington. Combine the bad drivers with roads whose inability to accommodate Lexington residents + visitiors results in eternal congestion, and you've got some pretty bad driving conditions. Although morning and evening/night driving is usually reasonable, I attempt to avoid rush hour traffic and Nicholasville Road (at all times) like a plague. I just don't understand terrible drivers. Decent driving isn't that difficult. It makes me wonder how crappy drivers actually learned to drive. Did their parents just hand them their car keys and wish them good luck? Damn. Here are some bad tendencies I've noticed when it comes to Lexington drivers in particular: (1) The owners of big trucks and large SUV's seem to feel entitled to drive aggressively everywhere they go. But, I mean, they do drive large vehicles, so I guess all of us small car owners must yield to them. (2) This is the worst: drivers who feel the need to stay at least 100 feet behind the next closest car. I promise, you won't wreck. The driver in front of you isn't randomly going to decide to slam on his brakes or put his gears in reverse because he doesn't like you and your car. Jesus. (3) Lexington drivers misinterpret road signs. "No Turn on Red" = "Turn on Red." "4-Way Stop" = "All Other Traffic Will Yield to Your Superior Car, So Gun it!." And what the hell is a "Left Turn Yield on Green," anyway? I've had my own share of driving mishaps, but...Wow. I'm from the county (Pike-VUHL) and I know I drive better than 80% of the people here.
- My left eyelid has been twitching sporadically all day, and I feel like a freak. I think I need glasses or something.
- My financial aid is processed, finally. No battling with financial aid people... At least for awhile.
Well, unfortunately I really don't have much else to talk about. Tomorrow I plan on taking it easy, reviewing some Latin, and buying some binders and paper for class. valete omnes!
1 comment:
That's okay Shelby I went to law school so that I would have access to brand new office supply at all times.
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