A portion of each student's grade in the class was earned through the completion of four or five short writing assignments related to lecture materials. At this point it would be appropriate to remind my readers that, at the time of this biology class, I was still very insecure about my writing skills. I graduated from the (supposedly) best high school in eastern Kentucky; that's wonderful and everything, but the education standards in Pike-vuhl and surrounding locales are not exactly top-notch. (Diane Sawyer, I'd still like you to spend some quality time floating down the Big Sandy River unarmed for a few days so that you'd get lucky and come across one of those Mountain Dew-drinking toothless rednecks whom you insulted in your documentary. Thanks for giving some befuddled, ignorant Yankees yet another reason to ask me how in the hell I escaped from the clutches of my incestuous family.)
Knowing that I would be competing with students from schools such as Lexington Catholic frightened me, and my assumption was that I would have lots of work to do before I could count myself among the ranks of gifted students. When time came for these writing assignments, however, I quickly learned that I didn't need to despair too much about my ability (or lack thereof) to construct logical sentences using decent grammar. Dr. G would always compile students' responses to the writing assignments in the form of a PDF document and post the documents on the course website for all to read. After being thoroughly amused and even shocked by some of the responses in these first PDFs, I decided to save the final writing assignment feedback onto my computer. It was literary treasure, but I quickly forgot all about it.
...Until I rediscovered it earlier this week when transferring all the documents from my old computer. I think I got even more enjoyment from reading it the second time around. Let me get to the funny stuff here. The topic of the writing post was this: Identify the essence of the human species, and explain our place in the biosphere. If you care to, predict our fate. Brevity is a virtue, try for <100 words.
Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, here are some of the golden responses and my two cents about each one:
- [Excerpt] Brevity is the duration of time and is used to predict the brevity of human life. WTF? Dr. G just wanted you to keep your response short, fool.
- Humans are the most primitive species in the biosphere. We are hunters and gatherers, we adapt to our environment. We are the only species that has a language. We are also the only species to use technology. If the speciation pattern of the past continues, it is likely that the Homo Sapiens will diverge into new species and possibly become extinct. This student obviously missed out on some basic ANT 101. If I'm not mistaken, human populations began slowly deserting the whole hunter-gatherer lifestyle about twelve thousand years ago when agriculture started developing independently in different parts of the world. Hunter-gatherers do still exist, yes, but in very small numbers. Perhaps this particular student hunted campus squirrels and maintained a self-sufficient lifestyle somewhere around the university, proudly displaying the severed heads of nutjob campus ministers outside his dwelling. That would be incredible. Also: we're the most primitive species but the only one with language and technology? Huh? And, no, Homo Sapiens will not diverge into a new species unless we completely isolate part of the population and let the processes of speciation occur over thousands upon thousands of years. Not likely.
- The essence of the human species is a very complicated thing to explain. We were placed in the biosphere to serve God and spread his gospel. Many people nowdays remain faithful and religious, however, it was in ancient times that our true essence to follow Christ was revealed. That was a time when all people believed and were followers of the Lord. We are here in protect the words of the Lord and to inform all people of the right way of life. Our faith does not need to be predicted because it is written in the chapter of Revelations in the Bible. The people who believe in the Lord will spend eternity in heaven while the nonbelievers and sinners will go to hell. I'm going to hell.
- The essence of the human species is that we can not be replicated. Other species cannot talk and go about doing the things that we can do. For example, we can use our thumb as a means to grasps objects and use our hands in ways that if we didn't have a thumb we couldn't do that. and without us in the biosphere, the world deteriorate. Because we keep the cycle of Conover and herbivores balanced.the fate of human beings lie with how we treat our universe for the next century if we don't respect it and we keep polluting it then our fate will be the same as our universes. Dr. G should have considered letting one of the astronomy professors lecture to his own BIO 103 students. The Omniores here on Earf are not really affecting much in the grand scheme of the universe.
- [Excerpt] Since homosapiens are the oldest fossil, dating back 160,000 years I believe that humans have been around for along time and unless God does not want that anymore we will be around for a very long time. I iz not a fossil.
- Out of all of the diverse organisms that live in the biosphere. Humans by far have the most dramatic effect on it. wether it be buring of fossil fuels, mining, or scarafication when farming, we greatly alter our biosphere. this is also very concerning because humans is one of the youngest species. As humans we are likely to cause our own extinction. I agree with the first statement (the initial two sentences were meant to be a single one, I assume), but the rest is funny. Humans is one of the youngest species; likewise, these crackers is good.
- we are here to dominate the earth and have fun doing. ill be very mad if they do not let me drive my sports cars around (Nissan 240sx and MBG) due to air pollution. i predict we are gonna do something stupid and blow our selves up. If all world leaders had this student's mental capacity, I could see the whole self-destruction scenario being a totally legitimate possibility.
1 comment:
HAHA, I LOVE it when random fundamentalist kids have to write (bullet 3)...especially when they break into theological statements that don't even remotely address the question posed. My parents would have smacked me if I answered a question like that.
"Q. What groundbreaking theory did Charles Darwin propose in The Origin of Species?
A. Since I don't belive monkies turned it humanes, I will insted choose to quote five lins of bibel that proves gays is bad."
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